Creative Weighting


Creative Weighting is designed to enhance your advertising campaigns by giving you more control over the frequency of your creatives within a booking.

  • Customised Exposure: Give your key creatives the spotlight by easily adjusting their display frequency.
  • Simplified Management: Eliminate the need for multiple uploads and repetitive management of identical creatives.
  • Efficient Campaigns: Optimise your processes and free up time, enabling a sharper focus on compelling content.

Enabling Creative Weighting

  • Navigate to your booking within the Doohly web app.
  • Under the Creatives tab, toggle the ‘Weighted’ option to ‘Enabled’.
  • Set weights for each creative according to their importance.
  • Save settings.
  • The Doohly player will automatically adjust play frequencies based on your settings, ensuring each creative receives its intended exposure.


Note: You will need to have player version ‘5.3.2’ or higher. For more assistance, email [email protected]