
  • DOO-1352 - Web App - A new Global Search feature has been added, enhancing navigation across the platform.
  • DOO-1333 - Web App - Added a Reporting page to the UI for generating reports.
  • DOO-1334 - Web App - Added Inventory Report.
  • DOO-1335 - Web App - Added the ability to export Inventory Reports in CSV format.
  • DOO-1331 - Web App - Added new “Reserved” status for Campaigns and Bookings. Reserved means the campaign/booking has been allocated slots but will not play.
  • DOO-1377 - Web App - Improved tooltip for the Focus Player - Override toggle in the Device Details / Settings tab.

20240701 - Release Notes

by Andrea Morgan

Inventory Reports

Enhanced Inventory Reports are now available to streamline your campaign management. Inventory Reports are designed to optimise your planning and execution of campaigns by effectively managing inventory.


  • View Future Availability: Instantly see upcoming availability for each frame per day.
  • Increase Sales Opportunities: Identify available slots on devices to maximise sales opportunities without the risk of overbooking.
  • Prevent Overbooking: Generate detailed reports to determine if frames are under or overbooked.
  • Reserve Campaigns: Secure spots by marking campaigns and bookings as reserved while you finalise the details. This prevents premature campaign launches and ensures better planning.
  • Export Data: You can export availability reports with ID’s directly to CSV for use with Excel or Google Sheets, enhancing your data analysis and reporting capabilities.

For more information, visit our Knowledge Base or contact Support: [email protected]

20240617 - Release Notes

by Andrea Morgan

Global Search

Global Search is now available, allowing users to:

  • Access via the new ‘Search’ link in the side menu or type CMD+K on Mac or Control+K on Windows.
  • Type in the search box to search for entities with search terms in their names.
  • See results that include each type's top 10 most recently updated matching entities: Bookings, Campaigns, Creatives, Creative Library Folders, Devices, and Loop Policies.
  • Use the Up and Down arrows on the keyboard to select a search result, then hit Enter to navigate to the selected result.
  • Hold CMD (Mac) or Control (Windows) while pressing Enter to open the search result in a new tab.
  • Click or CMD/Control-click on a result to open it in the same tab or a new tab, respectively.

For more information, visit our Knowledge Base or contact Support: [email protected]

20240605 - Release Notes

by Andrea Morgan

Creative Weighting

Doohly introduces Creative Weighting to enhance your advertising campaigns, giving you more control over the frequency of your creatives within a booking.


  • Customised Exposure: Give your key creatives the spotlight by easily adjusting their display frequency.
  • Simplified Management: Eliminate the need for multiple uploads and repetitive management of identical creatives.
  • Efficient Campaigns: Optimise your processes and free up time, enabling a sharper focus on compelling content.

Note: You will need player version ‘5.3.2’ or higher. For more information, visit our Knowledge Base.

20240531 - Release Notes

by Andrea Morgan


  • DOO-887 - Web App - Completed bookings and campaigns can now be auto-archived after 7 days, streamlining the management of active and completed tasks. Archived bookings and campaigns can still be viewed by changing the filter options of the status column in the respective screens.
  • DOO-1124 - Web App - Users can now specify how often players should attempt to refocus the player window, ensuring it remains on top. This feature can also be disabled if desired, providing greater flexibility and control over the player window behaviour.
  • DOO-1218 - API - A new endpoint has been added to the API, allowing users to retrieve the status of a creative upload. This enhancement enables customers to check if their upload has finished successfully, is still being processed, or has failed for any reason, ensuring efficient management of creative assets. If you are interested in learning more about the Doohly API please reach out to our Support Team - [email protected]
  • DOO-1275 - Web App + API - Users can now toggle creative weighting and set the weight for each creative assigned to a booking in the Booking Details page under the Creatives tab. For more information, visit our Knowledge Base.
  • DOO-1304 - Web App + API - Users can now enable MappedIn on a per-device basis if their organisation has the MappedIn integration enabled. For more information, visit our Knowledge Base.

20240515 - Release Notes

by Andrea Morgan

New Integration: Doohly x Mappedin

The new integration between Doohly and Mappedin, designed to enhance how digital displays interact with consumers, is now available. This collaboration merges seamless advertising with instant, on-demand information, enhancing both user engagement and marketing strategies.


  • Interactive Display Control: Users can effortlessly switch between promotional content and Mappedin's detailed directory information.
  • Smart Content Management: Automated resumption of ads ensures continuous engagement.
  • Simplified Navigation: User-friendly location discovery and guidance in complex indoor environments, improving overall experience.
  • Deepened Customer Interaction: A fusion of information delivery and advertising for an enhanced shopping experience.
  • Data-Driven Marketing: Data analysis for targeted content delivery and marketing strategies.
  • Fast Deployment: Both Doohly and Mappedin platforms are designed for quick and efficient integration, facilitating rapid usage and scalability.
  • Proven Impact: Initial deployments have shown significant improvements in customer engagement and the flow of information.

Mappedin is a global leader in indoor mapping and spatial data management, providing a dynamic platform that enhances indoor navigation and digital signage for businesses. MappedIn’s proprietary technology allows for continuous updates and management of digital maps, ensuring that visitors have the most current information. With Mappedin Directory, venues can enable easy navigation and strategically integrate advertisements to boost user experience and business revenue.

The partnership with Doohly enhances this functionality, allowing seamless transitions between ads and detailed venue information, thus enriching customer engagement at digital kiosks.

More information, visit our Knowledge Base.


  • DOO-1210 - UI - Users can now use the Copy ID button within an action ellipsis dropdown in the table and details page of booking, campaign, device and Loop Policy to copy the entities id
  • DOO-1210 - UI - Users can also do this in the bookings tab in Campaign Details page, and the frames tab in the device's Details page

We have made changes to the Doohly API to improve the structure of our models relating to creatives. Specifically the IFile type was originally used to represent creatives, but overtime has been also used for device reference images, frame standby images and more, even though the type includes fields that are only relevant for creatives. Thus we've introduced a new Creative type to represent creatives going forward, and removed creative specific fields from the IFile type.

Deprecated and New Endpoints

The following endpoints have been deprecated.

Deprecated endpointNew endpoint to use instead
GET /v1/campaigns/:idGET /v2/campaigns/:id
GET /v1/bookingsGET /v2/bookings
GET /v1/bookings/:idGET /v2/bookings/:id
POST /v1/bookingsPOST /v2/bookings
PATCH /v1/bookings/:idPATCH /v2/bookings/:id
GET /v1/bookingsGET /v2/bookings
GET /v1/devices/:idGET /v2/devices/:id

If you are using any of these endpoints, please update your code to use the new version as soon as possible, paying special attention to use the new request and response models.

Note that the following endpoints will not return urls for creative files and thumbnails, and instead simply include ids for the creative files and thumbnails. We will be introducing API endpoints for accessing and managing creatives in a future release.

  • POST /v2/bookings
  • GET /v2/bookings
  • GET /v2/bookings/:id
  • PATCH /v2/bookings/:id
  • GET /v2/devices/:id

Changes to models


  • The creatives property has been replaced by assignedCreatives of type BookingAssignedCreative[]
  • The frames property has been replaced by assignedFrames of type BookingAssignedFrame[]
  • The type property has been removed. Refer to playsPerLoop and loopsPerPlay instead


  • The BookingCreative type has been superseded by BookingAssignedCreative


  • BookingAssignedCreative has a creative property of type Creative (instead of a file property of type IFile)

  • Previously, BookingCreative had a duration property of type number (in seconds). Now BookingAssignedCreative has a durationMs property (instead of a duration property) which is of type number (in milliseconds)

BookingFrame & BookingAssignedFrame

  • The BookingFrame type has been superseded by BookingAssignedFrame. Though, at this point in time they are structurally identical


  • The bookingFrames property has been replaced by bookingAssignedFrames of type BookingAssignedFrame[]


  • The name, type & playback properties have been moved to the new Creative type


  • The Creative type represents creatives (instead of the IFile type) going forward
  • See documentation for more information on this type


  • DOO-1109 - API - Performance improvements for getting weather and tram information.
  • DOO-1228 - UI - Users can now search multiple fields at once in device list
  • DOO-1228 - UI- Users can now use back and forward in the browser to navigate between search results


  • DOO-1212 - UI - Links to a frame now navigates to the frames tab of the given device, and opens the editor modal
  • DOO-1267 - UI - Loop preview report now shows file name for normal .zip files
  • DOO-1258 - UI - Sub-category shows correctly in the Product Categorytab in settings
  • DOO-535 - UI - Date picker layout in the information card in campaign details page now mirrors the ui in create new campaign modal prompt
  • DOO-1111 - API - Improved realtime tracking of connected device status
  • DOO-788 - API - Filtering booking names by semicolon no longer breaks the filter functionality
  • DOO-1245 - API - Saving bookings with many frames, or long durations will no longer take a long time
  • DOO-1278 - API - Device - Saving frame without panel ID no longer errors

Player Changes - 5.1.3

  • DOO-1260 - Player - Programmatic package will throttle future requests if an ad request fails
  • DOO-1247 - Player - Cursor should hide properly upon player first start
  • DOO-1059 - Player - Linux player now minimises correctly
  • DOO-1231 - Player - Player will correctly show standby image when transitions are enabled
  • DOO-1230 - Player - Player no longer updates settings while locked, even if the settings have not changed