Getting Started with Doohly
This page will help you get started with Doohly. You'll be up and running in no time!
🪧 Doohly is a digital signage Content Management System (CMS). It enables you to manage what, where, and how your real-time content is displayed on your display devices such as digital signage displays, digital menu boards, and more.
We’ve designed Doohly to be as simple as possible. It has an intuitive user interface and provides all the tools needed to manage your content on an infinite amount of devices via this highly effective digital signage CMS.
We have worked to ensure that you and your team members can create and manage content from any device. This removes the need to physically connect to the digital signage device.
Doohly is accessible from any modern web browser allowing mobile, tablet, and desktops to be used to manage your digital signage network through our media player.
One of Doohly’s long-term commitments to customers is ensuring that it can be used no matter what their business needs and size are, or what their digital content strategy is.
Doohly is completely scalable, with one or one thousand devices, it's positioned to be the perfect digital signage software solution for your CMS needs.
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Updated 16 days ago