Enabling Vistar


Before we can enable Vistar for your Doohly space, you must have a Vistar account and contact Vistar to inform them of the integration.

Getting Ready For Vistar

  1. Get a Vistar account setup through Vistar and follow their processes

  2. Contact Doohly support ([email protected]) and let us know that you would like to enable Vistar programmatic content

  3. Once you are ready for us to enable Vistar, we will ask for your Vistar API key, as well as the default Network ID - both of which are found in Vistar

    1. The Network ID will be a string of numbers and letters (e.g. bh0zuXLsSRu69DqPJL3L6i)
  4. When we have all this information, we will make the required changes to your account and let you know Vistar has been enabled

Enabling Vistar On Existing Devices

If you already had registered devices on Doohly, these can have Vistar enabled on them.

  1. Go to “Devices” and select the device you wish to enable Vistar on

  2. Along the top, click “Programmatic”

  3. Enable Vistar by clicking the toggle

  4. Provide both the Network ID and the Venue ID

    1. We recommend setting the Venue ID as the same or similar to the device name, as that is how it will be identified in Vistar

The device is now ready to play Vistar programmatic content based on the loop policy assigned to its frames.


Note: If the Network ID and Venue ID do not match between Doohly and Vistar, programmatic content will not play

Enabling Vistar On New Devices

When registering a new device, these can have Vistar enabled during the registration process

  1. Click on “Devices”, then “Register Device”

  2. Fill out the registration fields as normal

  3. When you get to the “Programmatic” section, ensure that Vistar is enabled and that the Network ID and Venue ID are filled in

    1. This will be on by default and the Network ID will be set to the one you provided the support team
    2. We recommend setting the Venue ID as the same or similar to the device name, as that is how it will be identified in Vistar
  4. Click “Register”

This new device will now play Vistar programmatic content based on the loop policy assigned to its frames.


Note: If the Network ID and Venue ID do not match between Doohly and Vistar, programmatic content will not play