Users can now use Product Categories to separate campaigns, in doing so, the Doohly Player will attempt to ensure they do not play in adjacent slots.
To make use of Product Category Separation, ensure that campaigns have product categories assigned.
When the Doohly Player decides what order to play content in, it will prioritise keeping campaigns with the same or related product categories separated from each other.
For example, the Doohly Player will avoid playing campaigns with the product category Automotive Brand next to other campaigns with the product category Automotive Brand.
Product category separation also applies to sub-categories. For example, the Doohly Player will avoid playing a campaign with the category Retail, next to Electrical Retailers campaigns or Alcohol Retailers campaigns, but those Alcohol Retailers campaigns and Electrical Retailers campaigns will not be separated from each other.
More information (including graphs) about product category separation can be found in our knowledge base.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an error where creatives wouldn’t download correctly when there was poor internet connectivity, but the Doohly Player would attempt to display them anyway, sometimes resulting in a black screen
- UI no longer shows some devices as offline even though they’re online
- Doohly Support: