20240617 - Release Notes

Global Search

Global Search is now available, allowing users to:

  • Access via the new ‘Search’ link in the side menu or type CMD+K on Mac or Control+K on Windows.
  • Type in the search box to search for entities with search terms in their names.
  • See results that include each type's top 10 most recently updated matching entities: Bookings, Campaigns, Creatives, Creative Library Folders, Devices, and Loop Policies.
  • Use the Up and Down arrows on the keyboard to select a search result, then hit Enter to navigate to the selected result.
  • Hold CMD (Mac) or Control (Windows) while pressing Enter to open the search result in a new tab.
  • Click or CMD/Control-click on a result to open it in the same tab or a new tab, respectively.

For more information, visit our Knowledge Base or contact Support: [email protected]