20241030 - Release Notes


Web App

  • Added an export button on the campaign details page to download assigned frames for a campaign.


Web App

  • Fixed an issue where changing the Seedooh category for a device did not persist.
  • Resolved an issue where the web app could freeze for users with only a User Manager or Billing role.
  • Fixed a bug in the player which could cause a booking not to play if the first creative in the booking was removed
  • Corrected sorting of frames on the device details page.
  • Fixed bug where in some organisations the ‘View Only’ role didn’t have access to view booking reports.
  • Fixed bug where in some organisations the ‘Content Scheduler’ role name had a typo.
  • Enabled export button for list of frames on completed or archived bookings
  • Enabled export button for the list of bookings and frames for completed or archived campaigns.
  • Fixed bug in Resource Groups page where folder paths could display with extra slashes
  • Fixed incorrect display of booking end dates in Resource Groups.
  • Corrected error in the Resource Group folders tab when users lack permissions for creative view access.


  • Bookings now space out correctly for overbooked loops.
  • NGB fallback bookings are now selected according to their assigned playback frequency, improving playback accuracy.