20240325 - Changes to Doohly API

We have made changes to the Doohly API to improve the structure of our models relating to creatives. Specifically the IFile type was originally used to represent creatives, but overtime has been also used for device reference images, frame standby images and more, even though the type includes fields that are only relevant for creatives. Thus we've introduced a new Creative type to represent creatives going forward, and removed creative specific fields from the IFile type.

Deprecated and New Endpoints

The following endpoints have been deprecated.

Deprecated endpointNew endpoint to use instead
GET /v1/campaigns/:idGET /v2/campaigns/:id
GET /v1/bookingsGET /v2/bookings
GET /v1/bookings/:idGET /v2/bookings/:id
POST /v1/bookingsPOST /v2/bookings
PATCH /v1/bookings/:idPATCH /v2/bookings/:id
GET /v1/bookingsGET /v2/bookings
GET /v1/devices/:idGET /v2/devices/:id

If you are using any of these endpoints, please update your code to use the new version as soon as possible, paying special attention to use the new request and response models.

Note that the following endpoints will not return urls for creative files and thumbnails, and instead simply include ids for the creative files and thumbnails. We will be introducing API endpoints for accessing and managing creatives in a future release.

  • POST /v2/bookings
  • GET /v2/bookings
  • GET /v2/bookings/:id
  • PATCH /v2/bookings/:id
  • GET /v2/devices/:id

Changes to models


  • The creatives property has been replaced by assignedCreatives of type BookingAssignedCreative[]
  • The frames property has been replaced by assignedFrames of type BookingAssignedFrame[]
  • The type property has been removed. Refer to playsPerLoop and loopsPerPlay instead


  • The BookingCreative type has been superseded by BookingAssignedCreative


  • BookingAssignedCreative has a creative property of type Creative (instead of a file property of type IFile)

  • Previously, BookingCreative had a duration property of type number (in seconds). Now BookingAssignedCreative has a durationMs property (instead of a duration property) which is of type number (in milliseconds)

BookingFrame & BookingAssignedFrame

  • The BookingFrame type has been superseded by BookingAssignedFrame. Though, at this point in time they are structurally identical


  • The bookingFrames property has been replaced by bookingAssignedFrames of type BookingAssignedFrame[]


  • The name, type & playback properties have been moved to the new Creative type


  • The Creative type represents creatives (instead of the IFile type) going forward
  • See documentation for more information on this type