20220210 - Release Notes

UI Updates/Changes

  • Users can now see which frame a booking is booked for within “Device Details”.
  • In the “bookings” list, users can now see what campaign each booking is associated with. This enables users to now filter and sort bookings by campaign name.
  • The order in which ‘x',‘y’ and ‘width’, 'height’ inputs have been reversed in both Canvas and Frame setup to be more consistent with other software products.

Bug Fixes

  • When shrinking the internet browser window with the navigation menu expanded, the Name column in the list of bookings in the Campaign Details screen would disappear.
  • When viewing the bookings for a device, if the same booking is booked against multiple frames on that device and a booking is removed from any of the frames, the booking would actually be removed from all frames on that device.
  • When viewing the bookings page when empty, it would display the following incorrect error message “There are no bookings for this frame”. This has been removed to avoid confusion.